Tuesday 8 December 2015

Sagittarius Personality

                   How to adjust with a Sagittarius?

Sagittarius is very frank, daring. They have a dream world of their own, which they revisit very often.
Some of their characteristics are-

1. People from these zodiac are over thinkers. They over analyse everything, every situation.

2. Since they are over thinkers and therefore are the last one to fall asleep. Their thoughts are not as silent as the night.

3.They always give priorities to the people who are the most important to them. Sagittarius is really very selfless.

4. They are Party People! They are Social Butterflies! They are those people who start the party! But that definitely doesn't mean that they can hang out with people who they don't know.

5. Sagittarius doesn't want people to control their life or their shit ;).

Image Source : Google

Scorpio Personality

                        How to adjust with Scorpio?

Scorpios are very strong willed creatures.They have a great magnetic appeal.
Few things about them are-

1.Scorpio get happiness when they see others are happy. For them happiness is infectious and they love to make others happy.

2. Scorpio is good with gestures and it is truly apparent when we read what is written below in the picture.

3. There is always a reason why the Scorpio is ignoring you.

4. Scorpio is the most loyal, passionate and dedicated person you'll ever meet. They are one of the most trustworthy people of the whole zodiac.

5. True That! Scorpio never needs you. They can love from a distance and can be really fine about it.

Image Source : Google

Libra Personality

                         How to adjust with Libra?

People from the Libra zodiac are very caring and balanced . They are highly intuitive. Libra knows how to make other people comfortable around them. Their characteristics are

1.Libra is a warrior and definitely not a worrier. He is known to be of very sensitive nature like that of the poets. 

2. They are Selfless people who put others before themselves.

3. A Libra when annoyed or irritated from you will give you death stares or one-word answers so that you get bored from them and leave them alone.

3. Sarcasm is the perfect answer for a foolish person is the phrase that Libras live by.

5. Libra tries to balance everything therefore their behavior also depends on how you treat them. If you treat them nice , they'll do the same for you.

Image source: Google

Virgo Personality

                         How to adjust with Virgo?

A virgo is wise and witty, beautiful and pretty. They are good natures and introvert.
Following are a few things about Virgo-

1. Virgo is a lot crazier than you can ever imagine. They get bothered with anything as small and insignificant as an ant.

2. Virgo is a very talkative person. They have sharp talking skills.

3. Virgo can keep their emotions within themselves so that everybody else thinks that everything is fine with Virgo.

4. Virgos are true and passionate lovers. The put the greatest efforts in relationships. They show fairytale love to their partners.

5. Virgo loves nature. they are often seen enjoying the beauty of the nature, clicking pictures of   flowers-leaves, planting trees.. etc

Saturday 5 September 2015

Leo Personality

                             How to adjust with a Leo?

Leo love to be in the limelight. Being born between July 23- August 22 they live to be admired.
Let us read about them -

1. Leo don't like it when they are caught in things or ideas which were not their own. Trust me, They would really get irritated.

2.  A Leo love is a true love. They don't fake it. But that is why they end up getting hurt if the relationship did not work.

3. I laughed out loud at this! Leo really takes birthday seriously . They'll end up getting hurt if you don't wish or gift them on their birthday! Giving gifts to them is compulsory!

4.A Leo is one of the most honest sign of the whole damn zodiac. They express what they feel and they don't do that to disrespect you.

5. A Leo is a social bee but they have a very few selected friends they consider close. They don't share their secret with everyone.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Cancer Personality

                          How to adjust with Cancer?

Cancer is also known as the crab of the zodiac. Crabs are known to be insecure, unpredictable, loyal and sympathetic. Let us go through some of their characteristics

1.Cancers have high expectations from everyone around them. That is the reason why they get disappointed, so often.

2. Cancer is reserve. They don't like to be in transient friendship. All they long for is a true friend and no stupid and fake chit-chat.

3. If a cancer cares for you, he really cares for you. The feelings are always the same.

4. Cancer is very childlike and innocent. They get ecstatic for even the smallest things in life. The enjoy a lot and are one of the happiest.

5. Hahaha.. This one makes me laugh! One of my cancer friend use to share food with me, now I got to know that I was damn special!

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Gemini Personality

                           How to adjust with Gemini?

A Gemini is known for her gregariousness, cheerfulness and enthusiasm. Gemini people are one of the best people of the whole zodiac. They are just love. 
Let's see some of their qualities-

1. Gemini is very picky and choosy about their friends. They only prefer eternal friendships.
2. Gemini loves travelling. They always dream of travelling and ways if having lots of fun. And obviously they want a person who is their rock, always.

3. They are the most talkative people but when they are the only people who initiate talk, always.. then they get irritated. They don't want to talk to those people who don't want to talk to them.

4. Gemini is a friend in need. They'll always help you no matter what. They don't like to see others in problem. Gemini is also known for humanitarian works.

5. Gemini is a angry young man. They are born and filled of anger, so don't try to irritate or tease them when they're angry.